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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quick Thanksgiving Post - 2011!

Been a long time since I've posted anything, but had a few minutes down time waiting for Bob to get ready for our trip to Rita's for Thanksgiving.  I'm pretty excited about a couple of paintings I finished recently (the Santa I finished 1:30 a.m. last night), and so I'll share them with you.

First one, below, is a Florida Panther I did really fast--in two late-night sessions, for the Humane Society show which I helped hang with Rita and Penny Aliyetti.  Couldn't remember which 3 animal entries I put in my application, but seemed to remember wanting to paint a panther.  Well, time got away from me and suddenly the show was 2 days away.  So I got out my acrylics and enjoyed some late-night painting in my studio.  Had all-day commitments all week, so that was the only time.  He had a rough start, but in the end I think he came out pretty good.

And then there was the Santa which I was supposed to finish long before this for the Sebastian Library Window show.  My buddy Peni Baker was in charge of that, and she and her fellow artist-volunteers knocked it out in plenty of time.  It's a spectacular piece which I'll post later.  So anyway, my Santa is going on an easel in front of her mural in the window.  Finished him up last night at 1:30 am, and made a few touches this morning.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

Peni Baker said...

Love seeing your blog. All your stuff. Your amazing.